


Bug #2600

SAT>IP Continuity counter error when tuning

Added by Sam Ukas about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

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Pretty much every time I tune in to a channel on my SAT>IP box I get a few "Continuity counter errors" which go away quickly. While zapping this doesn't bother me at all, however it seems to affect my recordings as well.
It wouldn't be a problem either if it affected the beginning of the recording only, the problem is when there is already a recording in progress, that one will also end up having errors in the stream at the time the other recording started.

I've attached a log file where I performed the following steps:
- Tuner #1: Triggered a recording for channel "Das Erste HD". So far so good.
- Tuner #3: Triggered a recording for channel "NRJ12" (at 18:02:13.974 in the log file), this caused immediately continuity erros in the other stream.
- Triggered recordings with my HDHomeRun (4 recordings at the same time in the same mux), and it didn't cause any errors.
- Also triggered two more recordings with SAT>IP, another one on tuner #1 (same mux, different channel) and another on tuner #3 (same mux, different channel). Also no erros.

So it seems that the error only occurs when tuning into muxes.
This happens for scheduled recordings too, not just manually triggered, of course.
I've also disabled EPG grab because sometimes it was also causing errors when tuning.

I've considered disabling all but one tuner for now because I'd rather have 'perfect recordings' than the multi-tuner feature.

I'm using a GSS.BOX with the following settings. Are these correct for the GSS Box?
Full Mux Rx mode supported: checked
Signal scale: 100
Maximum PIDs: 32
Maximum length of PIDs: 127
addpids/delpids supported: checked
PIDs in setup, Double RTSP Shutdown, Force pilot for DVB-S2 and Local bind IP address: all unchecked.

Also, a huge thanks for this amazing piece of software :) I can't imagine my life without it now!
And SAT>IP and HDHomeRun support have been the icing on the cake!



CCErrors.txt (12.1 KB) CCErrors.txt Sam Ukas, 2015-01-05 23:55



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Unfortunately, this is not fault of tvheadend but the GSS.BOX (firmware or hardware). You may try to contact the hw vendor, but don't expect any other replies that all is good and their engineers are not aware of this.


Updated by Sam Ukas about 10 years ago

Thanks for your reply. So, other similar boxes do not exhibit this behaviour, like the Inverto IDL, Telestar Digibit R1 or even the Elgato Netstream?
'Cause they all look very similar, some almost like clones of each other.

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