


Feature #2504

Languages as Tag for channels

Added by saen acro about 10 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Service Mapping
Target version:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)


Add available language as tag for channels as extra option in channel tags


tvheadend-language-tags.patch (2.79 KB) tvheadend-language-tags.patch Paolo Roascio, 2015-07-11 14:04


Feature #298: Channel tagsRejectedAndreas Smas




Updated by Meindert Oldenburger about 10 years ago

Custom tags can be created easly in the configuration.


Updated by saen acro about 10 years ago

Meindert Oldenburger wrote:

Custom tags can be created easly in the configuration.

if you have 5 channels ok, but in my situation more then 9000 in more then 12 satellites


Updated by Mark Clarkstone about 10 years ago

Just to note this is a duplicate of #298


Updated by saen acro about 10 years ago

Mark Clarkstone wrote:

Just to note this is a duplicate of #298

one more reason to enter in daily schedule ;)


Updated by saen acro over 9 years ago

Any chance to be added auto tagging when mapping with available languages?


Updated by Paolo Roascio over 9 years ago

This is my best, feel free to use this patch. I think it is not the best way, but a base to work on.
Sincerely i don't think that I will present a pull request for this for these reasons:

- often channels have multiple languages then, in clients with poor grouping abilities (kodi?) there are lot of language groups with the same channels (from a big list as yours you can get dozens of groups only a little smaller) and i feel this a confusing way to group them.

- lots of channels (eg. encrypted in my setup) don't have the lang attribute set, so you can miss them in groups.

- coding may be really wrong as i'm not a programmer.

May be this a discussion base for skilled programmers like Jaroslav or Adam?


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 9 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.4

Updated by Flole Systems almost 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from 4.4 to 4.6

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