Bug #1465
Set column widths to minimum required ~ Still does not apply to EPG grid in 3.9
The default positioning of columns in various tvheadend pages leave a lot to be desired - either strings are truncated with an ellipsis in most data rows or there's huge whitespace after a short (or blank) data row. If (and it's a big if) the widths can be dynamic in pixels, then they surely should be the minimum of:
- The column heading string width in pixels
- The length of the longest string width of data in the column in pixels
Also add a few pixels for padding either side of the strings.
There may also be a maximum width in pixels, beyond which ellipsis (...) are used to truncate. I've mentioned "pixels", but I'm thinking percentages of the window width might be another way to do it. The only alternative to this would be to allow column resizing by the end user to be remembered across browser sessions (but that could be tricky and may involve cookies).
Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 11 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
I believe commit:42dbcbe7 fixes some of these issues although it sadly still doesn't apply to the EPG grid in 3.9! :/
Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 11 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
- Subject changed from Set column widths to minimum required to Set column widths to minimum required ~ Still does not apply to EPG grid in 3.9
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Found in version set to 42dbcbe7