Bug #117
ability to record something regardless of epg.
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there are two reasons why:
sometimes there is a show that corresponding to epg starts on 20:00 and ends at 22:00. we know that the show has a 30 minutes break between 21:00 and 21:30. it would be nice to have a feature that user can set when to start and stop reguardless of epg. user would have to set channel date start and end time.
for example i have the issue that i can't find any xml tv grabber for my country. i have only epg that shows actual playing show. i can only record actual show nothing else. thus i am not able to record something that i know will be but i can't select it.
Updated by ukasz - about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fixed
- Found in version set to duplicate
it is solved in http://trac.lonelycoder.com/hts/ticket/45