


"HTTP" direct subscription failed -- No hardware present

Added by Mark Preston over 11 years ago

The webgui or webif (can Bill Gates please standardize some nomenclature?) shows:

HDHomeRun ATSC -- both tuner's worth

The Config/TV Adapters/Config/General/Information and Capabilities column shows:

Device path:
Device name:
Host connection:
Frequency range:
kHz - kHz, in steps of kHz
Currently tuned to:

Muxes awaiting initial scan:
Signal Strength:

Trying to play a channel under services, the log shows:

Nov 09 11:23:47.559 subscription: "HTTP" unsubscribing
Nov 09 11:23:47.559 subscription: "HTTP" direct subscription failed -- No hardware present

After the initial scan I was never able to "Map DVB services to channels". I tried several times to: tvheadend -C, and finally was able to log back into the webif or webgui. Now that I have web access again, I see the channels and muxes populate the pages, but nothing works.

I have checked the /etc/dvbhdhomerun the /etc/modules and both have the requisite values.


pi@raspbmc:/dev$ ps -ef | grep tvheadend
root 14857 1 0 09:27 ? 00:00:00 su - pi -c /usr/bin/tvheadend -C -d
pi 14868 14857 0 09:27 ? 00:00:10 /usr/bin/tvheadend -C -d
pi 15135 15051 0 10:10 pts/0 00:00:00 grep tvheadend

I added myself as a user w/o Admin privileges to the Config/AccessControl page. I cannot get hdhomerun_config_gui to run as it must be extracted somewhere, but the /etc/dvbhdhomerun wasn't the right place for that and now filezilla won't transfer the file, again. Following the I always get stuck at the:

Before you move on you should be showing your tuners in TVH. If you aren't showing them there your HDHR is either not functioning or you haven't installed the DVB module correctly.

because the webgui does show the tuners, as well as showing an HDHomeRun on the screen of my RaspBMC's xbmc Configuration/Files screens.

dmesg shows some odd problems, but they aren't HDHomeRun related - full log at