Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago
i have Ubuntu 12.04 with latest Tvheadend from apt-get (3.4.27).
I have configured 2 TV Adapters and Live TV on XBMC works fine.
But when i record on one channel and switch to another channel on another mux i get "adapter in use by other subscription"...
How can i configure it that Tvheadend handles the recording on my second adapter? So i can continue viewing in XBMC on whatever channel i want using the first adapter?
The second adapter is only used when i connect to Streaming from another client.
Replies (11)
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Alex . over 11 years ago
Tvheadend should do this automatically, as ling as both muxes are configured and the channels mapped in the right way.
Does this only occur when recording ? i.e., can you watch two channels on different muxes at the same time ?
(since that should work automatically too, once both adapters are completely configured)
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Yes i can watch on different muxes at same time (but from different clients).
But i cannot watch and record channels on different muxes at the same time on the same client. Both always use the first adapter.
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Alex . over 11 years ago
Sounds like some issue specific to the client combination you use.
can you watch and record different channels using the Web interface?
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Hm that works..
Maybe a problem with the XBMC Tvheadend Plugin or the Tvheadend backend?
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Alex . over 11 years ago
Stefan Hoffmann wrote:
Hm that works..
Maybe a problem with the XBMC Tvheadend Plugin or the Tvheadend backend?
Yes, can it be that somehow one of the XBMC-clients keeps the other adapter "busy" so that effectively there is no adapter left ?
Is this something that can be checked from the logfiles (or maybe by first only connecting one client and then trying).
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago
There is only one xbmc client running.
And it doesn't seem the second adapter is busy, as i can view on xbmc and can connect via vlc from another client. The vlc client then uses the second tv adapter and can watch without problems also on other muxes.
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago
The maintainer of the XBMC-Addon says that his Addon is not responsible for this problem as the addon does not decide on which tv adapter recording and watching is handled.
So the problem would be in the backend of tvheadend..
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Alex . over 11 years ago
Stefan Hoffmann wrote:
The maintainer of the XBMC-Addon says that his Addon is not responsible for this problem as the addon does not decide on which tv adapter recording and watching is handled.
yeah, that's what I would say :-)
So the problem would be in the backend of tvheadend..
Some ideas/quations (but this is just guessing):
- Are there any other messages in the debug-log ? ( apart from "adapter in use by other subscription")?
- Are the settings of both adapters completely the same?
- Does it make any difference if you change the priority of the second adapter, so that it becomes favorite?
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago
The settings of both adapters are the same.
I will check the other two points later today when im back from work.
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago
I have increased the priority of the second tv adapter and this seems to help.
Can now record on one mux and watch on another
RE: Record and view simultaneously on different muxes with two adapters
Added by Alex . over 11 years ago
Good that it works!
You might still consider looking at the debug log in more detail and filing a bug since this should not be necessary i guess.