Services found but no Service Names are Being Displayed in TVHeadend-3.4
Added by Chris N almost 12 years ago
Hi, I just tried running TvHeadend 3.4 on a chroot'd Synology NAS and when I scanned for channels on my HD Homerun, over 150 services were found, but all of the service names were blank. I was able to play the streams in VLC, but I just didn't know what services were which. I was also unable to map any services to channels. Nothing happened when I clicked on the 'Map' button. I went back to TVHeadend 3.0 and everythink is now working fine. I am in the Los Angeles area, so my setup is ATSC.
Replies (4)
RE: Services found but no Service Names are Being Displayed in TVHeadend-3.4
Added by Hank Rarop almost 12 years ago
I have the same issue. Does it look anything like this (see screenshot/file/picture attached - hope this file can this be opened in the forum)?
I'm running a clean freshly installed XBMCbuntu (latest version)on my Zotac MAG.
Adapter is a MSI Digivox Mini (RTL2832 chip). Initially this adapter was not recognized, but after some coding (see below) it can be found and appears to work as some services are found. Unfortunately these are 'encoded' services. The free-to-air services are blank (should be found @546,000 khz; signal quality is 100%).
git clone git://
cd media_build
make install - END CODE ***
Adapter works 100% on my windows-PC. Channel are also found correctly when using the adapter on raspBMC.
Any thoughts anyone?
Please note: I can NOT watch the 'blank' services (have tried to manually add them to a channel, but then I get the display 'No service enabled'
RealtekRTL2832.jpg (229 KB) RealtekRTL2832.jpg | screenshot |
RE: Services found but no Service Names are Being Displayed in TVHeadend-3.4
Added by Chris N almost 12 years ago
Here's how I was able to get it to work in my setup:
I don't know why you aren't able to manually add the blank services to a channel. The adapters are enabled, right? Could you play the channels through VLC?
RE: Services found but no Service Names are Being Displayed in TVHeadend-3.4
Added by Hank Rarop almost 12 years ago
Hi Chris,
Adapter is enabled and services are found (but have blank service names).
I can manually add the blank services to a channel, but then they do not play ('too bad signal' warning or 'No service enabled' warning when played in XBMC); in addition the EPG information displayed in XBMC is incorrect (does not correspond with any Dutch free-to-air channel). Signal is OK as I've just checked the same setting (adapter+antenna) on WindowsPC: 100% signal.
When I try to play the channels through VLC (via another PC) I only get VLC's orange traffic cone
In my region there are 5 'packets' (bouquets) of DVB-t channels:
Bouquet 1 (free-to-air): 546,000khz; 12 services(4 TV; 8 Radio)
Bouquet 2 (paid/encrypted): 786,000khz; 13 services(5 TV; 7 Radio)
Bouquet 3 (paid/encrypted): 554,000khz; 12 services (9 TV; 3 Radio)
Bouquet 4 (paid/encrypted): 754,000khz; 8 services (8 TV; 0 Radio)
Bouquet 5 (paid/encrypted): 570,000khz; 10 services (5 TV; 5 Radio)
My adapter only recognizes 'Bouquet 5' in full. But of no interest to me because it's a paid service.
Bouquet 4: all 8 services found, but 'blank'
Bouquet 3: services are not found at all
Bouquet 2: services are not found at all
Bouquet 1: all 12 services found, but 'blank'(and not working)
In addition my adapter found extra(?) - but also blank - services on other multiplexes (e.g. 474,000khz; 490,000khz; 506,000khz).
As mentioned earlier: signal should be OK, because same setting works under Windows (and RaspBMC - after some fiddling).
I've no idea what it can be. Maybe driver-issue for my adapter under XBMCbuntu
RE: Services found but no Service Names are Being Displayed in TVHeadend-3.4
Added by Chris N almost 12 years ago
Hi Hank,
I wish that I could offer you more assistance, but your setup is lot different from mine. I think that you are correct about it being a driver issue since you were able to get it working under Windows. Good luck on figuring it out!