Another one who has muxes but no services
Added by Todoras Vasileiou almost 12 years ago
Hi All,
I am Theo and I am OK... not very familiar with Linux..
So: XBMCbuntu 12 installed.
Tvheadend frontend correctly set up
Tvheadend backend installed through synaptics pack manager. (and removed completely and reinstalled and again and again....)
Web access OK.
DVB-TV cards used:
aver media hybrid super 007 (m135R) (OK I know not fully functional but the digital should be OK)
Gigabyte USB U8000 fully compatible
Region Greece, Athens - The frequencies on the ready locations are correct....
Trying with both tuners (not at the same time)... 3 muxes - no services... (Should be 2 services - one from Digea and one from ERT)
Worth noticing that signal is 100% what ever... even if no Antenna is plugged in...
Any tips??? Because after 3 days breaking my head in forums I feel like a monkey that cannot pill off a banana....
Thank you in advance
Replies (1)
RE: Another one who has muxes but no services
Added by Todoras Vasileiou almost 12 years ago
It is me again...
4th day and I think that my head is stronger than the wall....
Any way problem is gone... tvheadend works like a charm... add location - find muxes - find services - map channels - go.....
Let me tell you the story...
As I said above I am not very familiar with Linux however I consider my self a dinosaur in computers (hardware mostly and MS products - I do mean w......s.
So I was absolutely sure that I had done everything correct.
w_scan was scanning but could not find anything and then it came through my mind... wait my tuners are hybrid, maybe they are scanning into analogue and not digital... (no more analogue signal in my area). So maybe I need to find a way to tell the adapter to scan only digital?
Well I was wrong.... but I recon it is a logical thought.
Any way the solution that i found in chance to this site:
also mentioned here:
experienced people do not need translation - just read the commands. The rest it would count to use google translate.
sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree
That's it. then reboot then scan with tvheadend end everything works. The guys in the link say that the firmware just dissapears after a few reboots and this goes back to ubuntu 8 and still not fixed.
In any case it is a fast solution but not permanent. I had some unmapped channels after first working scanning-mapping and did the process a few times which included also re-boots and again same thing scanning with no services.... However the already scanned and mapped channels worked. So what I did? run the command again - reboot - scan the other multiplexes manually - map services and added the new channels smoothly.
Did a couple of times.
Outcome: Now I have all the channels - the firmware has vanished again... (if I scan same frequencies no services can be found) but I do not care because the channels are mapped and I can watch tv through the tvheadend frontend in xbmcbuntu..
give it a try I believe it will save a lot time from all.
Question does anyone know how to set this in a way that it will be permanent?
Best Regards,