Create an iPad copy at end of recording - RPi
Added by David Coad about 12 years ago
I want to create a shell script to create a mp4 version of the mkv recording.
I am using tvheaedend on a raspberry pi, ffmpeg doesn't install well so I tested avconv and it worked for one file but I want it to be an automatic process.
I tried using the example (which uses ffmpeg) on the site but cant get it working
Does anyone have an example I could use to get started?
Replies (1)
RE: Create an iPad copy at end of recording - RPi
Added by Alex . about 12 years ago
David Coad wrote:
Hso I tested avconv and it worked for one file but I want it to be an automatic process.
I dont use avconv, but if you have a "working" example of the avconv command you would like to use you should put it in a bash script.
First make sure the bash script works from the commandline, and after that try from tvheadend.
My bash script (also based on the example but shorter) is
echo "start script"
/bin/date >>/opt/tvheadend/home/convert.log
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -b 1000000 -ac 2 "$1.mpeg" </dev/null >>/opt/tvheadend/home/convert.log 2>&1
If you replace the ffmpeg-line with your command I guess it should work.
$1 is the filename which is taken as an option when calling the script.
It is called from the post-rpoccesor commandline in tvheadend : /opt/tvheadend/home/ %f %t
Hope this helps,
PS posting code with '@' doesn't work that well on this forum it seems...