


Can't get a new network to respond to force scan

Added by Wes S about 1 year ago

Build: 4.2.8-34~g24a2f59e9 (2019-08-13T11:40:39+0000) on a Raspberry Pi4

I've been having issues with drop outs on 559.028 mhz so today I decided to add another yagi antenna pointed directly at the problem tower, and take one of my ip tuners and dedicate it to that antenna. I created an new network, made sure the ip tuner was assigned to it and when I try to force scan, nothing happens. By nothing, I can look at /var/log/syslog and there is nothing when I trigger force scan.

The existing network will accept a force scan and works fine.

I tried a "sudo systemctl restart tvheadend" a few times in case something was wedged. Didn't help.

I got frustrated by this and manually created a mux for my new network. Clicking on play this stream works. Going into the service mapper I see the three services I expect and I can play each of them via VLC.

I can't record anything on this mux. I get:

Dec 9 14:35:48 Rp4-1 tvheadend5869: subscription: 002D: No input source available for subscription "DVR: PGA Tour Special" to channel "NBC"

Can some one point me in the right direction please?

Thank you

Replies (2)

RE: Can't get a new network to respond to force scan - Added by Wes S about 1 year ago

I had to use the drop down for pre-defined muxes: United States: us-ATSC-center-frequencies-8VSB and then it worked.

RE: Can't get a new network to respond to force scan - Added by Jonas Lang about 1 year ago

Once you have at least one known working mux added to your list TVH will scan for anything active on the network.
