


Analog TV on TV Headend

Added by Wesley Rodrigues about 2 years ago

Hi friends.

I want to use TV Headend for a personal project.

And I would like to use the analog TV signal for this.

And I know that analog TV only works on TV Headend in version 3.4.

Now let the doubts:

How do I install this version 3.4 on the ubuntu server?

What hardware does it support?

Can be PCI or USB

Thank you all for the attention

Replies (7)

RE: Analog TV on TV Headend - Added by Ron L about 2 years ago

You can try building from source....

I don't know if any deb packages exist anymore.

Supported hardware depends on your kernel version. They might have stated removing some analog v4l support so you may need to drop back to an older distro if it won't work or compile in a modern one.

Edit: Won't compile in Mint 20.3 (Ubuntu 20.04)

RE: Analog TV on TV Headend - Added by Wesley Rodrigues about 2 years ago

Put for example Ubuntu Server 18.04 or below?

RE: Analog TV on TV Headend - Added by Ron L about 2 years ago

The autobuild script in 3.4 has an entry for Precise. That is 12.04. Might still build on 14.04 or 16.04 I really can't say. If your computer has PCI slots then any of these should still boot on it fine.

RE: Analog TV on TV Headend - Added by Wesley Rodrigues about 2 years ago

I will use this computer (photos attached).

So do I have to use Ubuntu Server 12.04?

image.jpg (2.86 MB) image.jpg

RE: Analog TV on TV Headend - Added by Wesley Rodrigues about 2 years ago

so i have a problem.

I can't install tv headend 3.4.

more details in the image below.

RE: Analog TV on TV Headend - Added by Ron L about 2 years ago

I'm not sure if you need to go back as far as 12.04. I see you have that installed already though.

You need to install some development packages before you can compile. I would expect these...


debian control file lists these...

debhelper, pkg-config, libavahi-client-dev, libssl-dev, zlib1g-dev, wget, bzip2, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, git-core

12.04 packages are moved to You might need to look at your sources lists in /etc/apt and edit the url before apt can find packages for your system. If you have to do this run sudo apt-get update after you edit the URLS. Then you should be able to install packages.
