Can´t access to TVHeadend
Added by Nicolas Rioja almost 3 years ago
Yesterday I was creating an Automatic IPTV network. Everything was OK and the MUXes and services appeared; after that, I was also creating a single MUX to include my IP Camera rtsp stream.
Once I´ve click on create the MUX Tvheadend turns offline and if I check the service process I see this:
root@NUC:~# service tvheadend status
● tvheadend.service - Tvheadend - a TV streaming server and DVR
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tvheadend.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: signal) since Tue 2022-05-10 10:15:44 CEST; 3s ago
Process: 165745 ExecStart=/usr/bin/tvheadend -f -p /run/ $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 165746 (code=killed, signal=SEGV)
Web server seems to be responsible because is asking me about the credential to connect it. But when I enter the credentials I see the 403 Forbidden error in the web browser.
How can I run Tvheadend in debug mode from CLI to see what happens during the start up? I´ve been reading the debug section but is not clear for me.
Replies (2)
RE: Can´t access to TVHeadend
Added by saen acro almost 3 years ago
by default service run TVH with command
/usr/bin/tvheadend -f -p /run/ -u hts -g video
You can run it same way in terminal by removig "-f"
/usr/bin/tvheadend -p /run/ -u hts -g video
RE: Can´t access to TVHeadend
Added by Nicolas Rioja almost 3 years ago
saen acro wrote:
by default service run TVH with command
[...]You can run it same way in terminal by removig "-f"
Thanks @saen acro
So, I can run Tvheadend in debug mode (via CLI) in this way, not?
Anyway since I was 100% sure that the problem raised when I´ve tried to include the rtsp stream of my IP camera... I was searching in the input folders in the network folder where I had the mux created and I deleted.
After that. I´ve restarted Tvheadend and finally run correctly again.
I´ll try to make a further investigation about how to integrate it in TVH without to make it crash.
Thanks again and best regards