Episode data in EPG
Added by John W about 3 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am using the LinuxServer.io Tvheadend container on DockerHub. It contains Tvheadend 4.3-1983~gb8710206e. My hardware is a Raspberry Pi 4 with a Realtek RTL2832 DVB-T tuner over USB 2.0.
Everything is set up and working beautifully. My only complaint is that the "Episode" column in the Electronic Program Guide contains no data ie blank. I would like to use the Episode number to identify my recordings (put it in the filename).
Can anyone help me get the episode data? I live in Australia, if that is relevant to broadcast data or such.
Replies (11)
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by saen acro about 3 years ago
Go to epg settings and enable neded options.
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by Hiro Protagonist about 3 years ago
Where are you getting your EPG data from? Some EPG sources don't provide series/episode data.
If you have access to the xmltv files, check to see if it has entries like:
<episode-num system="SxxExx">S09E03</episode-num> <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">8 . 3 . </episode-num>
Note that you can't rely on every program having episode numbering - programs like news & movies won't have it.
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by John W about 3 years ago
Hiro Protagonist wrote:
Where are you getting your EPG data from? Some EPG sources don't provide series/episode data.
If you have access to the xmltv files, check to see if it has entries like:
Note that you can't rely on every program having episode numbering - programs like news & movies won't have it.
I'm just using what is being provided by the DVB-T broadcaster. I have displayed the Episode column in the EPG, and it is empty. Is there some kind of service that can fill it in?
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by saen acro about 3 years ago
John W wrote:
I'm just using what is being provided by the DVB-T broadcaster. I have displayed the Episode column in the EPG, and it is empty. Is there some kind of service that can fill it in?
What about
Settings: Channels/EPG > EPG Grabber Modules
and select
Over-the-air: EIT: DVB Grabber > Scrape Episode
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by John W about 3 years ago
saen acro wrote:
John W wrote:
I'm just using what is being provided by the DVB-T broadcaster. I have displayed the Episode column in the EPG, and it is empty. Is there some kind of service that can fill it in?
What about
Settings: Channels/EPG > EPG Grabber Modules
and select
Over-the-air: EIT: DVB Grabber > Scrape Episode
Thanks for the advice but I don't see this setting anywhere
TvHeadend.png (202 KB) TvHeadend.png |
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by saen acro about 3 years ago
Post content of
About > togle details
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by John W about 3 years ago
This is the Linuxserver/Tvheadend docker container
saen acro wrote:
Post content of
About > togle details
Configure arguments:
--disable-ffmpeg_static --disable-libfdkaac_static --disable-libtheora_static --disable-libopus_static --disable-libvorbis_static --disable-libvpx_static --disable-libx264_static --disable-libx265_static --disable-libfdkaac --enable-libopus --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --disable-avahi --disable-dbus_1 --disable-bintray_cache --disable-hdhomerun_static --enable-hdhomerun_client --enable-libav --enable-pngquant --enable-trace --infodir=/usr/share/info --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/share/man --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/config
Using C compiler: cc
Using LD flags: -lhdhomerun -ldvbcsa
Build for arch: armv7
Using PYTHON: python
Using GZIP: gzip
Using BZIP2: bzip2
pie yes
ccdebug no
cardclient yes
cwc yes
cccam yes
capmt yes
constcw yes
linuxdvb yes
satip_server yes
satip_client yes
hdhomerun_client yes
hdhomerun_static no
iptv yes
tsfile yes
dvbscan yes
timeshift yes
trace yes
avahi no
zlib yes
libav yes
ffmpeg_static no
libx264 yes
libx264_static no
libx265 yes
libx265_static no
libvpx yes
libvpx_static no
libtheora yes
libtheora_static no
libvorbis yes
libvorbis_static no
libfdkaac no
libfdkaac_static no
libopus yes
libopus_static no
nvenc no
vaapi no
mmal no
omx no
inotify yes
epoll yes
pcre no
pcre2 yes
uriparser yes
ccache no
tvhcsa yes
bundle no
pngquant yes
kqueue no
dbus_1 no
android no
gtimer_check no
slow_memoryinfo no
libsystemd_daemon no
pcloud_cache yes
ddci yes
cclang_threadsan no
gperftools no
W_unused_result yes
f_stack_protector yes
f_stack_protector_strong yes
f_stack_check yes
f_PIE yes
strlcat yes
strlcpy yes
fdatasync yes
getloadavg yes
atomic32 yes
atomic64 yes
atomic_time_t yes
atomic_ptr yes
bitops64 yes
stime yes
gmtoff yes
recvmmsg yes
sendmmsg yes
libiconv yes
ifnames yes
py_gzip yes
bin_pkg_config yes
bin_xgettext yes
bin_msgmerge yes
bin_gzip yes
bin_bzip2 yes
ssl yes
linuxdvbapi yes
linuxdvb_ca yes
libhdhomerun yes
upnp yes
inotify_h yes
inotify_init1 yes
dvbcsa yes
epoll_create1 yes
mpegts yes
mpegts_dvb yes
openssl 1.1.1l
zlib 1.2.11
libpcre2-8 10.35
liburiparser 0.9.3
libavfilter 7.85.100
libswresample 3.7.100
libavresample 4.0.0
libswscale 5.7.100
libavformat 58.45.100
libavcodec 58.91.100
libavutil 56.51.100
Installation paths:
Prefix: /usr
Binaries: ${prefix}/bin
Libraries: ${prefix}/lib
Data files: ${prefix}/share
Man pages: /usr/share/man
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by saen acro about 3 years ago
Docker crap with removed esentials.
Build native package and will have lot more features.
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by John W about 3 years ago
saen acro wrote:
Docker crap with removed esentials.
Build native package and will have lot more features.
Any instructions? Can I just install with apt?
RE: Episode data in EPG
Added by saen acro about 3 years ago
John W wrote:
Any instructions? Can I just install with apt?
There is in "Tutorial and setups" section in forum.