Pipe command help
Added by Lisa White over 3 years ago
Hey guys, I am looking for a pipe command to transcode an m3u mux to 1080 with ffmpeg. I found a few pipe examples but none of them transcoded to 1080. Any suggestions?
Thank You
Replies (6)
RE: Pipe command help
Added by Lisa White over 3 years ago
Saen, I tried this particular pipe that I found within one of the members post.
(pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -reconnect 1 -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2000 -probesize 1000k -analyzeduration 0 -fpsprobesize 0 -fflags -nobuffer -err_detect ignore_err -i http://myfavoroiteiptvwith720broadcast.m3u -codec copy -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1)
This particular mux is being broadcasted at 720p by the provider and I wanted to know if ffmpeg can transcode it to 1080p. I was fooling with nextpvr and that software can perform this function if I changed the transcoding in the software itself and the Kodi addon.
I was wondering if this can by done with piping within tvheadend and how would I do it.
RE: Pipe command help
Added by saen acro over 3 years ago
So you want to upscale 720p to 1080p with is transcoding
with will destroy quality ann add some artifacts also will use more resources
TV can do this better with his dedicated SOC teling kodi to change resolution.
/Use PRE co citate commands/
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -reconnect 1 -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2000 \
-probesize 1000k -analyzeduration 0 -fpsprobesize 0 -fflags -nobuffer -err_detect ignore_err \
-i http://myfavoroiteiptvwith720broadcast.m3u -codec copy -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1
this just guaranty reconect to stream
RE: Pipe command help
Added by Hiro Protagonist over 3 years ago
Lisa White wrote:
I found a few pipe examples but none of them transcoded to 1080.
There's a reason for that.
Although you can transcode from a lower to a higher resolution, there's little point in dong so - you'll just degrade quality.
I'd only consider doing that if I had a device that was unable to display the lower resolution.
RE: Pipe command help
Added by Lisa White over 3 years ago
Ok Thank you for all your input. I was just mesmerized when I seen the video quality transcode using nextpvr. Thanks again!!
RE: Pipe command help
Added by saen acro over 3 years ago
Lisa White wrote:
Ok Thank you for all your input. I was just mesmerized when I seen the video quality transcode using nextpvr. Thanks again!!
downscaling 1080p (1920x1080)> 480p (852x480), makes a square of size 4 by 4 pixels with is 16 pixels new with a size of 1 pixel with average color neibhour contrast etc.
upscaling on oposite direction from 1 pixel to make 16 pixels with hevy bluring result
missing pixels comes at a cost; all methods incur some combination of blurring, blocking and halo artifacts
some extra