XML channel number property?
Added by Piro Lito over 4 years ago
I have a script that generates my m3u8 file that is read by the tv-grab-file. But the channels don't show in the order I want, and I have set channel numbers so they fullfil the order I need.
Can I had some property in the XML for the channel so Tvheadend sets the channel number automatically?
Where can I see all the properties that can be used?
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-chno="402" *TCG-CHANNELNUMBER="1"* tvg-logo="file:///tvh/picons/1_0_1_192_27_36_CE40000_0_0_0.png" tvg-id="1:0:1:192:27:36:CE40000:0:0:0:" tvg-name="24 Kitchen HD",24 Kitchen HD
Basically i would like to know if there is some property like in the code that after import will be something like in the image in attachment.
Capture.PNG (37.3 KB) Capture.PNG |