Dvb-s2 external receiver
Added by Stefan Jäger almost 5 years ago
Do you know if it is possible to connect an external satellite receiver (e.g. https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07KWWTW5R/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_UNPKEbRGKMVY6) to my rasbian stretch so that I can receive the satelitte channels in TVH without buying a dedicated Dvb-s2 USB/Box? If that is possible would you know of I need to connect via USB ports on both sides or is it rather HD out?
If that is not possible would you mind recommending a Dvb-s2 usb/box to properly receive the signals from my RPI in TVH?
Any hint on that would be great.
Replies (4)
RE: Dvb-s2 external receiver
Added by saen acro almost 5 years ago
If its with linux and you have acces - yes
Else need hdmi to iptv, and not so easy scenario to change channels.
RE: Dvb-s2 external receiver
Added by Stefan Jäger almost 5 years ago
Not sure on the operating system. Access I may not have. Hence the more native option is to go with a new dvb-s2 usb stick or box. Is there any recommendation?
RE: Dvb-s2 external receiver
Added by Martin Walter almost 5 years ago
I can recommend a Digibit R1 Sat>IP Server. You won't get 4 tuners cheaper. And you won't have to deal with driver problems / issues either. Just put it on the same network as your RPi and TVH will recognize the tuners.
RE: Dvb-s2 external receiver
Added by Ron L almost 5 years ago
I know a couple people with the TBS5520SE multi-standard who like them well enough. I have a TBS5980 that works fine. There are pre-built images for Pi that have all the TBS drivers installed.