How to continue "failed" recordings?
Added by Joerg Knitter about 5 years ago
after a very short power outage, my new Tvheadend 4.2 setup (Intel PC) apparently did not startup the DVB-S2 dual-tuner card correctly while the third tuner, a DVB-S2 USB box, worked as expected. When I recognized this, I wanted to restart the machine, but an auto-recording was running at that time on the USB tuner box. So I waited until the commercial break to do the restart.
After the reboot (or a "sudo service tvheadend restart"), I expected Tvheadenend to continue the recording, like e.g. VDR does. But apparently, the timer was deleted, and the recording was moved to "Failed recordings" (although it was in reality fine despite of the break during the commercial break). However, the biggest problem was that I was not able to set a new timer from the EPG for the same show even though at least in the auto-recording setting, the duplicate handling was set to "record all". Instead, after having move the "failed" recordings to the "finished recordings", the new tries were all shown in the "failed" recordings with a comment like "file could not be created".
Clicking on "Re-record" also did not seem to have an effect. And what does this button do in general - would this button delete the "failed" recording and search for repeated airings in the future? I did not find a hint in the docs.
Or to summarize it: How do I deal in the future with a running timer in case the recording gets interrupted by any reasons? How do I continue the recording?
Thanks in advance
Replies (2)
RE: How to continue "failed" recordings? - Added by Joe User about 5 years ago
What do you have for "Format string/Pathname specification" in the recording profile?
If there is no time or use of "$n", then a new recording will not be able to create a file because it is trying to create a file with the exact same name.
RE: How to continue "failed" recordings? - Added by Joerg Knitter about 5 years ago
Hi Joe User, thanks for your answer.
Sounds clear at the first sight, although I would have expected that the new recording is being appended to the existing file or an additional file is being created e.g. with an automatic counter extension like "_1" without this $n addition to avoid either the deletion of the existing file or the mentioned error message.
My current string is "$t/%F-%R-$e-$s.$x", but now, I am going to add the mentioned $n to the file name, just before the extension.
Is this just for solving the problem with the manual "restart" of a timer, or will this also cause an existing timer or the auto-recording to be continued automatically?