


Xteve with buffer enabled wont work in tvheadend (requesting content type = text/html)

Added by steve parry over 5 years ago

Im using xteve to feed iptv into tvh. I do this as I share my iptv with family. tvheadend will work if i use the iptv supplied m3u directly, it will also work in xteve if buffer is disabled in xteve.
If I enabled buffer in xteve (so i can control number of concurrent connections) tvheadend no longer works. even though the m3u supplied my xteve works in e.g. vlc.

I get the error no input detected in tvheadend.

Afaik the buffer mode in xteve is just a restream of the orginal stream.

The Xteve log shows that tvheadend is requesting content type = text/html; charset=UTF-8
but when i use vlc it requests content type = video/mp2t

Anyone got any ideas?

Replies (3)

RE: Xteve with buffer enabled wont work in tvheadend (requesting content type = text/html) - Added by Elvis Piper over 5 years ago

I'm also trying that same kind of setup and experience the same problems. The errror message in TVHeadend WebUI is "timeout waiting for packets".

RE: Xteve with buffer enabled wont work in tvheadend (requesting content type = text/html) - Added by steve parry over 5 years ago

I've been wiresharking the difference between what xteve does in buffer mode vs direct mode.

directmode creates 1 request and has 1 constant stream returned
buffer mode creates 1 request and the response is a continuation of new return connections (im assuming with the set amount of buffered media defined in xteve e.g. 1mb for me)
so buffer is sending e.g. 1mb streams back 1 after another vs direct where its just 1 long stream

RE: Xteve with buffer enabled wont work in tvheadend (requesting content type = text/html) - Added by M A Ben Amara over 5 years ago

may give this a try what is described here

replace the m3u lines with your pathes pipe.....ffmpeg....

may that works
