Ffmpeg subtitle hard decoding, how qsv convert
Added by weijian liang over 5 years ago
It is known that cpu decoding utilization is very high, because of the player problem, the source has subtitle selection.
FfmpegFfmpeg4.1 -re -i 1.ts -vcodec libx264 -filter_complex "[0:0][0:4]overlay" -preset fast -deinterlace -s 720x576 -b:v 4000k -r 25 -g 25 -x264opts " Cabac=1: ref=3:me=hex:subme=1" -map 0:a:0 -f mpegts 4.ts
Now I want to use gpu qsv encoding, how to convert the code?
QQ截图20190708194221.png (54.4 KB) QQ截图20190708194221.png |
Replies (3)
RE: Ffmpeg subtitle hard decoding, how qsv convert
Added by saen acro over 5 years ago
ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -i inputFile.ts -c copy -f mpegts -| ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -hwaccel qsv -c:v mpeg2_qsv -f mpegts -i pipe: -load_plugin 2 -init_hw_device dxva2=gra -init_hw_device qsv@gra -c:v hevc_qsv -preset slow -b:v 1500k -c:a copy "outputFile.ts"
try this
RE: Ffmpeg subtitle hard decoding, how qsv convert
Added by weijian liang over 5 years ago
Thank you for your answer, but if you put it in tvheadend, how do you call ffmpeg encoding?
RE: Ffmpeg subtitle hard decoding, how qsv convert
Added by saen acro over 5 years ago
Post processing on recorded content.