dvb-s uk Freesat Channel Mapping
Added by Bill Mackie over 12 years ago
I used the astra 28.2e location scan, are there any others I should use to pick up decent free channels extra to that would be on a standard freesat box?
When scanned Lots of services are picked up. I click the map channels to services button only a small number get automatically mapped and added to channels, is this normal? I am manually typing the name into the channels not mapped automatically is this correct? There are lots more services left over not mapped.
Replies (1)
RE: dvb-s uk Freesat Channel Mapping - Added by Bill Mackie over 12 years ago
I deleted the channels and added mux manually seems to have worked alot better.
Another question though, I have a dvb-s and a dvb-t tuners which contain some identical channels eg (bbc 1). I dont get separate identical enties in the channel list do they automatically get combined? Is there a way to tell what channels are combined from different tuners?
Thanks for this great program it is great so it is, thanks!