


Tuner Priority Strangeness?

Added by Jon _ almost 6 years ago

Hi All

Has anyone noticed any oddness or changes in behaviour with the tuner priority recently?

I've got an HD Homerun (DVB-T - Freeview) and a SatIP box. The SatIP tuners are all set with a higher priority than the HDHR. Recently, TVH seems to be choosing the HDHR in preference for recordings, which is annoying as the reception here is a bit patchy and you get dropouts on some channels. Here's a snippet of me kicking off a recording:

2019-04-22 10:53:04.996 dvr: "Ramsay's Hotel Hell" on "Channel 4 HD" recorder starting
2019-04-22 10:53:04.996 mpegts: 11126.5V in Freesat - tuning on SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #1 (
2019-04-22 10:53:04.996 subscription: 8CDA: "DVR: Ramsay's Hotel Hell" subscribing on channel "Channel 4 HD", weight: 500, adapter: "*SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #1 (*)", network: "Freesat", mux: "11126.5V", provider: "BSkyB", service: "Channel 4 HD", profile="Stream Copy", username=""

Stop, and start it again:

2019-04-22 10:53:27.954 dvr: "Ramsay's Hotel Hell" on "Channel 4 HD" recorder starting
2019-04-22 10:53:27.955 subscription: 8CDD: "DVR: Ramsay's Hotel Hell" subscribing on channel "Channel 4 HD", weight: 500, adapter: "*HDHomeRun DVB-T Tuner #1 (*", network: "HD-Homerun", mux: "770MHz", service: "Channel 4 HD", profile="Stream Copy", username=""

If I look at the tuner weightings, HDHR is set as priority 0 (have also tried with 1), all of the SatIP tuners are set to 10.

TVH Version is HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1789~g6bfeca6
