


4k HEVC web tv, too much queued input data (over 50MB) for SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner, discarding new

Added by M A Ben Amara over 5 years ago

Hi, when using the web player from tvheadend, here its impossible to transcode HEVC -> H264

it works a few seconds, then alwa<ys stalls and plays (few seconds play, few seconds still)

logs say

2019-03-30 06:26:10.361 transcode: 0001: 01:HEVC: > Using profile 1080p
2019-03-30 06:26:10.361 transcode: 0001: 02:MPEG2AUDIO: > Using profile aac
2019-03-30 06:26:11.677 vaapi: decode: unsupported pixel format: yuv420p10le
2019-03-30 06:26:52.847 mpegts: too much queued input data (over 50MB) for SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner, discarding new
2019-03-30 06:27:02.817 mpegts: too much queued input data (over 50MB) for SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner, discarding new

any chance to increase the queued input data ? i readed alot about this error but with other references ...

Systeminfo OS UNRaid, TVH 4.3 branch, intel i7-8700, iGPU passthrough UHD630

H264 -> H264 all working nice as side note (incl. hw transcoding)

for an tipp, thanks ahead