Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by Campbell Long almost 6 years ago
Has anyone had any success using Sat-IP with TVH on Docker? When I run TVH in Docker it doesn't automatically detect my Telestar Digibit R1. I assume I need to forward a port to Docker but have no idea which one.
Replies (9)
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by JMRR JMRR almost 6 years ago
you have to run tvheadend with arguments pointing to your sat>ip server.
this is an exemple of creating docker container with arguments(running tvheadend in docker as client):
docker create \
--name=tvheadend \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Lisbon \
-e RUN_OPTS= --satip_xml http://ip_of_satip_server:port/satip_server/desc.xml \
-p 9981:9981 \
--device /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
--restart unless-stopped \
this will make tvheadend run manualy pointing to satip device.
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by M A Ben Amara almost 6 years ago
or may try running docker in host mode, works here for an Fritz and DD Octopus Netv2 SatIP Device ...
if the satip is broadcasting it should be good.
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by Daniel Dumke almost 6 years ago
How do I find the URL for my Octopus Net? Where is desc.xml located?
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by M A Ben Amara almost 6 years ago
the octopus should be visible automatically
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by Daniel Dumke almost 6 years ago
Sadly, it is not. At least not under configuration DVB Inputs TV Adapters or Networks...
This is my docker-compose:version: "2"
image: linuxserver/tvheadend
container_name: tvheadend
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Europe/Berlin
- /srv2/docker/tvheadend/config:/config
- /srv2/docker/tvheadend/recordings:/recordings
- 9981:9981
- 9982:9982
- devices:
#- /dev/dri:/dev/dri #optional
#- /dev/drb:/dev/dvb #optional
restart: unless-stopped
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by saen acro almost 6 years ago
If this pseudo virtualisation can use your network, in both direction, then you can see it, else no.
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by Daniel Dumke almost 6 years ago
I do not think that the Docker networking is fully transparent. I am no expert.
However there seems to be the option --satip_xml. Could I use that? How would I find the correct URL for the Octopus Net?
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by Campbell Long almost 6 years ago
Your current Docker configuration is only opening ports 9981 and 9982 to Docker, any services that run on other ports are not accessible to the host. Consider using "--network host" rather than "- 9981:9981" and "- 9982:9982". Be warned if you are running TVH on a Docker instance with other applications this may have unintended consequences.
RE: Sat-IP + TVH + Docker
Added by Daniel Dumke almost 6 years ago
Thanks, that did indeed work. This way I found the correct URL for satip_xml (http://ip/octoserve/octonet.xml). I am now using this address.