Any way to stagger the ending of recordings
Added by Craig Dinger over 5 years ago
This is my first post and I am new to both Ubuntu 18.04 and TVheadend 4.28-20. I am using the post-processor command to run comskip on my recordings with streaming via Kodi to other computers on my LAN. I have a script to limit the number of comskip processes to one at a time using pgrep to check to see if comskip is already running. I had to limit the number of comskip processes on my old Windows 10 based system or I would have playback issues when recording, running comskip on new recordings and watching recorded TV. However, I just noticed that in TVH recordings all end at exactly the same time bypassing my check in the script. I could add different amounts of padding to the ends of each channel but I'm not sure what repercussions that may have for other recordings. Is there another solution/setting that I'm not aware of? It isn't that I always record multiple shows with the same ending time but it does happen.
I may be worrying unnecessarily but my concern is overwhelming the processor and affecting streaming or something else. My processor is Intel I5 6600T quad core 2.7Ghz with 8GB of RAM.
Oh, I am using zap2xml/zap2it TV listings for EPG data with internal grabber tv_grab_file
Thanks for your time,