Uncorrected Blocks in multicast streams
Added by Josu Lazkano over 6 years ago
I am using my ISP IPTV service to add the channels in the Tvheadend server.
They are RTP multicast streams and I have configured as IPTV Automatic Network this way:
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 tvh-epg="disable", Telecinco HD rtp://@239.0.X.X:YYYY
The channels are OK, but they have lots of Uncorreted Blocks in the status interface:
There are 2 switches between the ISP router and tvheadend server.
I am thinking to add a Raspberry Pi near the router with udpxy proxy and convert the multicast streams in unicast http sctreams.
Anyone have experience with this multicast streams?
I will appreciate any help.
Kind regards.