


[solved]http port

Added by uen mentex almost 7 years ago

I have to change the http and htsp port.
but when i edit the /etc/default/tvheadend file it does not work.

also when i enable debug in this file, i can only see in the syslog that the service gets started . nothing else..

what i am doing wrong?

best regards,

Replies (5)

RE: http port - Added by uen mentex almost 7 years ago

no one?!

RE: http port - Added by Mark Clarkstone almost 7 years ago

  • You haven't mentioned what version.
  • If 4.3.xxxx make sure you're editing the right variable.

RE: http port - Added by uen mentex almost 7 years ago


it is version 4.2.5-50~g1997b34

Installed like described here:

on ubuntu 16.04

RE: http port - Added by Mark Clarkstone almost 7 years ago

In which case see

tvheadend --help
and add the desired options/values to TVH_ARGS="--foo bar" at the end of /etc/default/tvheadend.

RE: http port - Added by uen mentex almost 7 years ago

ah ok.. thank you.
