IPTV pipe problem with | in http
Added by Pila RPi about 7 years ago
To stream IPTV, I use the following on my RPi with LE 7.0.2 in TVH 4.0.9:
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i http:xyz.m3u8 -c copy -map 0 -f mpegts pipe:1
and when I test it in a command line of my RPi by removing pipe:// from the beginning, I see stream is comming in.
But, some links I need have a | in them and it breaks things:
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i http:abc.m3u8|User-Agent="AppleCoreMedia -c copy -map 0 -f mpegts pipe:1
so this part kills things:
I can change things to:
and then the command is not broken but stil does not work. From playlist, the original command works perfectly in my Kodi as written in my original example. Without User-Agent it does not work.
Any help on how to make this work in my pipe command?