TvHeadend and Bosch IP Camera Stream
Added by Jörn Nießen about 7 years ago
i wont to add my Bosch IP Cameras as a channal to TVheadend.
The Camera works whit several Streams:
http://USER:[email protected]/video.mp4
rtsp://USER:[email protected]:554/ch0_0.h264
I try to make a "IPVT Automatic Network" or "IPTV Network" an add a Muxes whit the URL inside
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i rtsp://USER:[email protected]:554/ch0_0.h264 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_provider=Bosch -metadata service_name=Flur -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1
but it doesent work
http://USER:[email protected]/video.mp4
Now I have no idea
Can any Help ?