Default duplicate recordings handling
Added by Brent Bolin almost 7 years ago
Was trying to find an answer to subject of this thread.
Ran across this post
Set for target version 4.4 . Not sure I understand this I'm currently on 4.3-714~g7f89446
Yet if I create an autorecs for a particular show and then search for it in The Electronic Program Guide it clearly distinguishes between shows. In the autorecs rule if I change it from "Record all" to "All: Record if different subtitle"
sdiff -s /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/dvr/autorec/18acc62aa7fa7285a665ae5f1a85a371 /var/tmp/18acc62aa7fa7285a665ae5f1a85a371.autorec
"record": 2, | "record": 0,
Also in that file is: "episode": "Season 6.Episode 23/24",
So it would appear by Default it's using episode info for duplicate checking.
Can somebody please verify this?