Post recording script not being triggered
Added by John Hanley over 7 years ago
I have tvheadend configured to trigger handbrake after each recording to encode the ts file as MP4. This had worked fine until recently. Now, when recording back to back programs, the script never gets triggered for either recordings. For other single programs the script works fine and I get an MP4 file. All of these programs are scheduled series recordings.
Any idea why the two back to back shows are not launching the script
to produce the MP4 files?
Replies (2)
RE: Post recording script not being triggered
Added by John Hanley over 7 years ago
Update: I can't actually play the ts files from the back to back shows either, while the single recording ts file plays fine in vlc.
Any idea why these two shows aren't getting recorded properly? They were all scheduled through the TVH Android app and are not listed as failed recordings.
Any thoughts?
RE: Post recording script not being triggered
Added by Evren Yurtesen over 7 years ago
First, disable your script and see if your programs records properly. It is entirely possible that your script is somehow breaking the files.
I use a script with ffmpeg to convert shows to hevc and it works fine. Just upgraded to 4.2.4-5~g39dac90~xenial and I can let you know if it fails. Although I scripted it so that it wont start 2 conversions at the same time, it queues the conversions to run serially. You should also see in the logs a line like this if your script is executed, do you see this?:
spawn: Executing "YOUR SCRIPT PATH"