


Unable to stream any channels asking for username and password for realm tvheadend?

Added by Martyn Smith over 7 years ago


I was able to stream channels yesterday by clicking a channel and downloading the m3u which would play in VLC Today however I am being asked for a username and password?? I have tried loads of channels and restarted everything, tried VLC & various other players all asking for a username and password? none of my tvheadend usernames and password work either? Not sure if I have done anthing (certainly not intentionally) but I would like to go back to streaming a channel without being asked for a username and password?

Many Thanks in advance!

Replies (7)

RE: Unable to stream any channels asking for username and password for realm tvheadend? - Added by Martyn Smith over 7 years ago

Here is a picture of my access screen, everything is enabled

I also get this in the log which I have not seen before when I try to stream a channel

2017-10-20 10:31:55.099 http: using ticket 13A0B135AB2A578A3EB1F3F4DBBA57204DCF252F for /stream/channel/fa98358240df306dff56dfa09600562a

RE: Unable to stream any channels asking for username and password for realm tvheadend? - Added by Martyn Smith over 7 years ago


attached is a picture of my passwords tab, I can login with those usernames/passwords but not start a stream? I can start a stream from tvhproxy/Plex with the same usernames but just streaming from tvheadends m3u asks for the username/pass

RE: Unable to stream any channels asking for username and password for realm tvheadend? - Added by Martyn Smith over 7 years ago

ok, I have narrowed this down a bit!

if I try to stream an IPTV channel through tvheadend VLC plays it perfectly, if I try to stream a DVBS (Internal Tuner Card) it asks for a username??

RE: Unable to stream any channels asking for username and password for realm tvheadend? - Added by saen acro over 7 years ago

If you want to stream only without user and password
create user "*" with corresponding privileges
and add password "*" to same user.

currently taken playlist do not include user and password
manually you can edit them to include

http://USER:[email protected]:9981/stream.......
very easy with "find & replace"

RE: Unable to stream any channels asking for username and password for realm tvheadend? - Added by Martyn Smith over 7 years ago


Thanks for that, I already just found that on the forums but it still asks for a username/password but ONLY on DVB channels, the IPTV channels stream fine so it is not a user access issue I don't think? I have also just found that I can stream BBC1 without username prompt??? but Channel 4 & 5 (and the rest I can find) are prompting for a username? I am beginning to think this has got corrupt and I am going to have to start over??
