Which tuner recorded
Added by Dave Travers over 7 years ago
Hi All,
Anyone know if it's possible to find out which tuner recorded a specific recording?
I have an intermittent problem with junk recordings (picture broken up all the way through) and have a feeling i have a faulty tuner, but which one?
Thanks in advance
Replies (3)
RE: Which tuner recorded
Added by Robert Cameron over 7 years ago
Check Tvheadend's logs. It should indicate which tuner was tuning the program at the time the recording started.
RE: Which tuner recorded
Added by Dave Travers over 7 years ago
I can't see it in the recorded log, presuming it must be in a general log, do you know where this would be stored on Ubuntu? will it be in /var/log/syslog or is there a cleaner location for it?
RE: Which tuner recorded
Added by Robert Cameron over 7 years ago
Use journalctl:$ journalctl -u tvheadend
You can also limit the initial display of logs based upon times. Check the man pages for journalctl.