IPTV config - Address family not supported by protocol
Added by Bryce Pepper over 7 years ago
I have been using an IPTV service for several months and they recently changed the port to 8080 and now I get an error.
2017-08-24 16:11:15.738 httpc: 6D68: Unable to connect to xxxxxxxxxx.com:8080 - Unable to create socket: Address family not supported by protocol
2017-08-24 16:11:15.738 mpegts: no-vod.m3u - xxxxxxx in IPTV - tuning on IPTV
any suggestions on how to remedy or debug?
Replies (4)
RE: IPTV config - Address family not supported by protocol
Added by Robert Cameron over 7 years ago
Do you have a protocol specified? Http or https? It sounds like it's resolving (or not) to something odd ...
RE: IPTV config - Address family not supported by protocol
Added by Bryce Pepper over 7 years ago
The playlist works in VLC
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="xxxxxx" tvg-name="xxxxxx" tvg-logo="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/66/xxxxxx_2017.png" group-title="xxxxxx",xx HD
RE: IPTV config - Address family not supported by protocol
Added by Robert Cameron over 7 years ago
It's the "address family" response that's getting me. What does a dig or nslookup of the hostname hosting your streams report? I'm not sure that IPv6 is supported for IPTV based upon this error. Make sure your host name A records and not just AAAA records.
RE: IPTV config - Address family not supported by protocol
Added by Bryce Pepper over 7 years ago
I found another guy with a similar setup that runs thru ffmpeg and it works for me.
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i http://xxxxxxxx.com:8080/live/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/8502.ts -c copy -flags +global_header -strict -2 -f mpegts pipe:1
never had to do this previously. I use curl to get the m3u playlist and epg xml from the site.