


Second DVB-T/T2 tuner fails on scanning

Added by david kopecky over 7 years ago

Dear TVHEADEND community,

first of all sorry my English and Tvheadend skills - this is my first topic:-). I would like to ask you whether anyone of you is facing same issue as I do. I was using EVOLVE MARS TV Tuner that is and was wortking finew for past year. I have jsut received new DVBSky (DVB-T/T2) tuner that is loaded successfully and dmesg says it is in warm state and Tvheadend can see the tuner. My issue is taht this tuner (and any other) is not able to tune any channel. Scan always fails with message: ...scan no data, failed. I have also tried different DVB-T tuners but same issue. It looks more to me like the only first DVB-T/T2 tuner is allowed and not any additional tuner. Maybe this is common issue... Can someone help. I am happy to send screenshots, etc..

thank you so much for your help


p.s. using TVHeadend 4.3-308~g063765e version on RPi3

Replies (3)

RE: Second DVB-T/T2 tuner fails on scanning - Added by saen acro over 7 years ago

Chipset of tuner, and what drivers(modules) is in use.

RE: Second DVB-T/T2 tuner fails on scanning - Added by Em Smith over 7 years ago

Both dvb should work together.

Can you clarify some things? The EVOLVE MARS worked fine. If you remove that and only have DVBSKY connected then does that work and scan and tune ok?

Are the tuners connected to your RPI3 via a powered USB hub (one with a separate power cable)?

Does tuning work if your aerial is connected to only the one tuner you are trying to tune?

There are tools called "dvbv5-scan" and "dvb-fe-tool" that you can use from a terminal to do scans and gather information. If available on your PI then they may help you solve the problem.

RE: Second DVB-T/T2 tuner fails on scanning - Added by david kopecky over 7 years ago

Thanks a lot to Sean as he pointed me to drivers that seems to be installed and I was able to see and configure DVBSKY tuner but once I have replaced the driver with newest one all started to work. Sorry for such amateur question and also for your kind and fast responces. Respect to all of you!


