m3u spec for Automatic IPTV Network
Added by Jerome Lux over 7 years ago
Where can I find any specification on how to correctly format m3u playlist for Automatic IPTV Network. Wiki did not help.
My current playlist fail:
#EXTINF:-1 tvh-chnum="1" tvh-epg="C1.telerama.fr" tvg-logo="http://xxxx/channellogos/100.png",TF1 HD
pipe:///home/osmc/startchannel 100
#EXTINF:-1 tvh-chnum="2" tvh-epg="C2.telerama.fr" tvg-logo="http://xxxx/channellogos/101.png",France 2HD
pipe:///home/osmc/startchannel 101@
Thank you.
Replies (1)
RE: m3u spec for Automatic IPTV Network
Added by Ed M over 7 years ago
Your format is a little different, mine looks like this but I'm using hdhomerun. Is the '@' suppose to be there at the beginning of the #EXTM3U?
I learned from the link below, but again it was for the HDhomerun.