How to map EPG channels to my source channels
Added by Reggie Burnett almost 8 years ago
I have my source channels setup and working and my EPG channels setup and working. However my EPG channels (schedules direct JSON api) have better name (Retroplex HD vs 1821 RETRO) and already have network icon attached. I discovered that I can go into a single EPG channel entry and set the "channel update options" to icon, number, and name but that detaches it from the source channel. If I then edit my source channel and manually reattach them then the name and icon are taken from the EPG channel they way I would like. But this is a pretty manual operation that I would not like to repeat 242 times (for all my channels).
How can I tell tvheadend to take the name and icon from my EPG channels and update my source channels with that info?