EPG recordings start prematurely
Added by Nikolay P over 8 years ago
I have been struggling with a DVR issue for some time now. This is only when I create a scheduled record via the EPG. Time based recording work just fine.
The problem is that my recordings seem to start way before the EPG time and end before the show ends. In the following example the TV show was supposed to start at 12.00 (DVR-profile set to pre-record pad 1 minute and post record pad of 5 minutes).
2016-11-03 10:25:08.917 [ INFO]:dvr: entry 6b73cbc7d03578d6c8457ec2ae0ccd5a "?????? " on "BTV" starting at 2016-11-03 11:58:30, scheduled for recording by "admin"
"enabled": true,
"start": 1478167200,
"start_extra": 0,
"stop": 1478169000,
"stop_extra": 0,
"channel": "6ece31782c267b1ec9d8bd68be357817",
"channelname": "BTV",
"title": {
"bul": "?????? "
"subtitle": {
"bul": " "
"description": {
"bul": " "
"pri": 2,
"retention": 0,
"removal": 0,
"config_name": "d6f4e919d368f856b069743327d08f1a",
"owner": "admin",
"creator": "admin",
"errorcode": 0,
"errors": 0,
"data_errors": 0,
"dvb_eid": 64395,
"noresched": false,
"norerecord": false,
"fileremoved": 0,
"autorec": "",
"timerec": "",
"parent": "",
"child": "",
"content_type": 0,
"broadcast": 2487
- date -d@1478167200
Thu Nov 3 12:00:00 EET 2016 - date -d@1478169000
Thu Nov 3 12:30:00 EET 2016
As seen the start time and stop time are correct - the TV show is supposed to start at 12.00 and end at 12.30.
Here is the debug log showing how the recording starts prematurely at 11:47:
2016-11-03 11:47:44.880 [ DEBUG]:dvr: dvr entry 6b73cbc7d03578d6c8457ec2ae0ccd5a event ???? on BTV - EPG marking start
2016-11-03 11:47:44.880 [ DEBUG]:dvr: dvr entry 6b73cbc7d03578d6c8457ec2ae0ccd5a event ???? on BTV - EPG start
2016-11-03 11:47:44.880 [ INFO]:dvr: "?????? " on "BTV" recorder starting
2016-11-03 11:47:44.882 [ INFO]:subscription: 3189: "DVR: ???? " subscribing on channel "BTV", weight: 300, adapter: "Silicon Labs Si2168 : DVB-T #0", network: "Sofia", mux: "626MHz", provider: "NURTS Digital", service: "BTV", profile="pass"
2016-11-03 11:47:44.912 [ DEBUG]:dvr: File "/home/hts/????---BTV2016-11-03.--.ts" -- No such file or directory -- Using for recording
2016-11-03 11:47:44.913 [ INFO]:dvr: /home/hts/??????---BTV2016-11-03.--.ts from adapter: "Silicon Labs Si2168 : DVB-T #0", network: "Sofia", mux: "626MHz", provider: "NURTS Digital", service: "BTV"
2016-11-03 11:47:44.913 [ INFO]:dvr: # type lang resolution aspect ratio sample rate channels
2016-11-03 11:47:44.913 [ INFO]:dvr: 1 H264 720x576 ?
2016-11-03 11:47:44.913 [ INFO]:dvr: 2 MPEG2AUDIO bul ? ?
2016-11-03 11:47:50.336 [ INFO]:mpegts: 626MHz in Sofia scan complete
2016-11-03 11:47:50.336 [ INFO]:subscription: 3187: "scan" unsubscribing
As seen the first entry triggers the start of the recoding, but why?
I have tried various EPG related settings but nothing has helped, for the moment the following settings are active:
EPG running state: not selected
EPG update window: "Update disabled
Use EPG running state: Not set.
I have only OTA EIT DVB Grabber enabled.
Tvheadend runs on RP3 Arm-Arch and the build number is: 4.1-2301~g50a3707
PS the questions marks ???? are Cyrillic script :-)
Replies (2)
RE: EPG recordings start prematurely
Added by Mark Clarkstone over 8 years ago
Nikolay P wrote:
.. snip ..
PS the questions marks ???? are Cyrillic script :-)
EPG marking start is EITp/f (Event information table present/following) - Basically your broadcaster is indicating the programme should start being recorded. You've said you've disabled this so I'm not sure why it's being triggered at all! I've disabled/enabled EITp/f on mine a number of times and I've never experienced this. Are you sure the time on your system is correct?
RE: EPG recordings start prematurely
Added by Nikolay P over 8 years ago
The system time is correct, NTP synchronised..