ubuntu - xbmc suspend
Added by bernd brot over 13 years ago
i tried to suspend my system with the suspend guide in from the wiki.
but the hook das not stop or unload anything. i dont know what is wrong.
with this hook, tvhead end stop and suspend works.
#!/bin/sh- Stop/start the TV server before/after the DVB module.
case "$1" in
- in suspend action, stop tvheadend daemon
hibernate|suspend) # stop TvHeadEnd to be able to unload the DVB-T module
logger Suspend : Stopping TVheadEnd
/etc/init.d/tvheadend stop
- in resume action, start tvheadend daemon
thaw|resume) # start TvHeadEnd after the DVB-T module is loaded
logger Resume : Restarting TVHeadEnd
/etc/init.d/tvheadend start
*) exit $NA