


trying to install tvheadend on OS X

Added by Daniel Kim about 8 years ago

I'm trying to compile and install tvheadend on my mac.
But, there're bunch of errors. Is there anyone really succeeded with it?

I've installed several packages/libraries to compile it on my mac.

1. installed command line tools. it's same as build-essential on Linux.
2. installed mac ports to install additional package to compile it.
3. installed gettext, cmake, wget, md5sha1sum, uriparser, also, ffmpeg and ffmpeg-devel.
4. ./configured
5. make

make shows a lot of errors and won't work.

First issue was byteswap.h , anyhow, I've added and changed it little bit from GNU library.
Again, it shows a lot of other errors.

Do you have any clues on this?