


plenty of tvheadend[<pid>]: http: HTTP/1.1 HEAD /imagecache/72 -- 404

Added by Daisy Reiss over 8 years ago

Hi Folks,

my TVheadend generates an annoying large number of syslog entries like:

tvheadend[16266]: http: HTTP/1.1 HEAD /imagecache/72 -- 404

If found issues/3959 shall have fixed this (?), but my build is somewhat more recent and still hast this (or similar) issue.

Build: 4.1-2247~gb23686a~trusty (2016-09-27T23:22:07+0000)

My tvheadend is from Xubuntu 14.04 LTS, came with apt-get update last days. (Yes, it's still 14.4, but I raised the Kernel to 4.4.0-38-generic #57~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP)

note 1:
I found, it is ALLWAYS number 72, never found a different number within last 2 syslog files.

note 2:

ls -la /usr/share/tvheadend/src/webui/static/app/config.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4157 Sep 28 01:22 /usr/share/tvheadend/src/webui/static/app/config.js

note 3:

ls -la /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/imagecache/
total 28
drwx------  4 hts hts  4096 Okt  3 13:58 .
drwx------ 15 hts hts  4096 Okt  3 16:51 ..
-rw-------  1 hts hts    84 Okt  3 13:58 config
drwx------  2 hts hts  4096 Apr 10 11:37 data
drwx------  2 hts hts 12288 Okt  2 17:27 meta

note 4:
I attached some screen shots from my setup, where ...channels.png is showing the station logo entries. But do not expect I know what imagecache is for, nor that I ever understand why, picon:// and files:/// is there. All i know is, file:///home/hts/icons_by_name/*.png are doing well with KODI/raspian/RPi1 and with KODI/OSMC/RPi2.

What can I do to get rid of the syslog warnings root cause?

tvheadend_adapters.PNG (30.2 KB) tvheadend_adapters.PNG the adapters I use are 2 DVB-T(1) sticks and one DVB-S2
tvheadend_channels.PNG (127 KB) tvheadend_channels.PNG the assigned channels and icons
tvheadend_muxes.PNG (35 KB) tvheadend_muxes.PNG Don't know hy, but the muxes was fallen empty and never gets filled again
tvheadend_networks.PNG (35.7 KB) tvheadend_networks.PNG my networs are Terestric and Astra 19.2E
tvheadend_services.PNG (102 KB) tvheadend_services.PNG the services is filles, while the muxes stays empty

Replies (5)

RE: plenty of tvheadend[<pid>]: http: HTTP/1.1 HEAD /imagecache/72 -- 404 - Added by Bob Russo almost 7 years ago

did you ever get this resolved? I have the same problem with several entries. I imagine 72 is a table entry, since my numbers don't match up to any channel numbers.
the IP shown on mine is from a client (KODI), but the log entry is showing on the machine where I run the TVHeadend backend.

RE: plenty of tvheadend[<pid>]: http: HTTP/1.1 HEAD /imagecache/72 -- 404 - Added by saen acro almost 7 years ago

Setup simple http server ex. thttpd
upload logos/picons add forget for image-cache.

RE: plenty of tvheadend[<pid>]: http: HTTP/1.1 HEAD /imagecache/72 -- 404 - Added by Bob Russo almost 7 years ago

won't the same logos/picons still be missing?
How to determine which one is missing?

RE: plenty of tvheadend[<pid>]: http: HTTP/1.1 HEAD /imagecache/72 -- 404 - Added by Robert Cameron almost 7 years ago

Those 404 errors are basically Tvheadend telling the client that it is using its imagecache feature, and that reference (ie, /imagecache/72), is the URL to the image in Tvheadend's imagecache. However, at the time the request was made, Tvheadend did not have an imagecached version of the image, so it then returned the URL defined for whichever resource was requested.

If the 404s in your logs bother you, you can disable the imagecache feature. However, it is not a big issue, nor does it signify any danger. It's merely a feature meant to cut down on network traffic between Tvheadend and the internet. If you are using local images/picons for your channel logos, there is really no benefit anyway. (The only place you may find any real speed up is with episode images for EPG entries, but most of those are served from CDNs. Unless you're using Tvheadend to serve as an IPTV/Sat>IP server for an entire community/MHD, you probably won't notice any real difference/benefit.)

RE: plenty of tvheadend[<pid>]: http: HTTP/1.1 HEAD /imagecache/72 -- 404 - Added by Bob Russo almost 7 years ago

I'm trying to go through and clean up the entries that I can in the log file. Good to know I can ignore these.
