How to get transcoding work?
Added by Eugen Stelea over 8 years ago
Hi all,
I have a pretty good setup here, using TVH on a virtual machine that gets the streams from a Fritz repeater with 2 DVB-C tuners.
Everything works great, the main purpose was to get the TV streams to a videoprojector via WiFi.
However, now i want to enable transcoding for mobile devices.
I created a new user and a transcoding profile. I associated the transcoding profile to that user, but it seems it alwasy uses the default matroska profile.
Tried to give a higher priority to the transcoding profile, but no luck.
Do you have any suggestions?
Replies (3)
RE: How to get transcoding work? - Added by Jonathan Thomson over 8 years ago
Which version are you running? It sounds like you've done what's required but it would help to know the version.
On my setup, I created a new user and gave that user only a single streaming profile (the one which transcodes) - I then log into my client with the username and password of that user and the only streaming profile available is the one it is associated with.
If your user has only one streaming profile, tvheadend should not be allocating a profile which the user has no rights to use.
Double check you are logging in with your transcoding user and that only a single profile is allocated to that user.
RE: How to get transcoding work? - Added by Eugen Stelea over 8 years ago
I'm running version 4.1-2236~g817f67e~trusty.
Actually my setup is a little bit complicated.
I need to use the following:
- TVHGuide client on Android with no transcoding - original stream for wifi use
- TVHguide client on Android with transcoding for mobile data use (used with VPN)
- DLNA client (via MediaTomb installed on the same machine as TVH)
- Plex client with TvHeadEnd plugin on Android with transcoding (better method than TVHGuide because the Plex server is published to the internet - no VPN required)
The problem is that the user i configured for Plex does not get the right profile (and yes, it has only one profile allowed)
Now, the Access Entries tabs is confusing me. The way it is showed means to me that:
- you can have a "user" profile, or "streaming" profile (i don't know what the appropriate name would be) based on username, Allowed Network, or a combination of the two.
Then, what the priority on the streaming profile means. I get the default priority, it's self explanatory, but what about the force priority? Is it 1 to 10 for example, 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest or viceversa? Or it means that if it's set to 1 the default priority is applied and if set to 0 the default priority is ignored?
Another thing that's confusing me, the username is not always shown in Status/Subscriptions.
When using THVGuide, it shows me the connected user.
When using the Plex plugin, it doesn't (although the plugin requires an username and password to connect to TVH).
Does it matter if an access profile is higher on lower on the list?
I just wish all the settings were better explained, that's all. The documentation is let's say, minimal.
RE: How to get transcoding work? - Added by Jonathan Thomson over 8 years ago
OK let me try with this one
Access control can be confusing at first but it is pretty logical when you get used to it - the only thing I don't really "get" is that username and password are separate tabs when they could/should just be one but the developer(s) probably had reasons at the time.
For somebody to log in and stream from TVHeadend, you need a "user" AND a streaming profile, it's not "or", both are required (a user needs a streaming profile to be able to stream and a streaming profile can be assigned to one or more users).
Your use case is pretty similar to mine, I have profiles for "pass" (which are used by Kodi clients connected by ethernet - the raw video is passed straight to the client(s) without any processing. I then have a couple of wifi profiles (with two different levels of transcoding which allows me to use faster wifi at home and slower/less reliable wifi in hotels etc.) then I have a cellular profile for watching over 3G/4G which has the highest level of compression/lowest quality settings.
Each of these profiles has a user which matches the profile name (so if I want to use the cellular profile on my mobile, I log in to TVH on my iPhone app with the user "Cellular" and my password for that user). This isn't strictly necessary as some apps allow you to specify the profile if you have multiple per user but it's not widely supported yet (Kodi supports it but not much else).
So, when I set up my configuration, I did the following;- Created a user to match the scenario I was trying to achieve
- Set a password for that user
- Created a streaming profile for the scenarion (e.g. "Cellular")
- Edited my user to grant them access to the profile I had created
- Edited any other permissions (e.g. access to all recordings etc.) to ensure each login had the same overall access
Priorities in streaming profiles is I believe used where a user has multiple streaming profiles (or none at all) but I can't really see the benefit as TVHeadend isn't clever enough (yet) to start streaming at say LAN speeds then drop down to wifi and cellular if the speed of the connection degrades - that would be a great feature and would make the priority settings useful IMO.
With the setup I've described, each user that initiates a stream will be shown as the owner of that stream in the status/subscriptions pages. This is important to me as I need to know which clients are subscribed if/when I need to update the server or perform maintenance - knowing who is logged in means I know who to contact to tell them to go and get some fresh air for a while.
Double back over your config and make sure it looks/sounds similar to mine - post some screenshots too as that might help if you are still stuck.