


playing tvheadend stream in web-embedded video player

Added by toro plss over 8 years ago

hi to all,i am working on project that in it i want to create something that with it my client can see tv televisions in their browsers,and i want use tvheadend as backend in this project.
I realized that when i enter "" in my browser,tvheadend return a list that in it exist some url that those point to stream source of channel,some thing like below lines :

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="a57beeef1eaf03324a39e76ff189c35c",IRIB-TV1
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="24daf5cdc061b8a96902af8d54370aef",IRIB-TV2

i can play theme in windows media player or other video players,but i do not know how use theme in web-embedded video player,can html5 video player,play theme??if no,you know any web-embedded player that can play theme??anyone has any expreince like this??
pls help this is very important for me.