


Unitymedia Baden Württemberg missing services

Added by Aengus Walton over 8 years ago


all services listed under "114 // S02 // QAM256 // ONID: 9999 // TSID: 161 (0x00A1)" at (the box in the top right-hand corner with RTL, ProSieben, etc) are missing from my scan. When scanning the 114MHz frequency, using the Unitymedia muxes included with tvheadend, I get the following in the logs:

2016-07-11 20:19:39.898 subscription: 00F7: "scan" subscribing to mux "114MHz", weight: 6, adapter: "Silicon Labs Si2168 : DVB-C #0", network: "Unitymedia", service: "Raw PID Subscription"
2016-07-11 20:19:44.897 mpegts: 114MHz in Unitymedia - scan no data, failed

Funnily enough, ArgusTV on Windows - using the exact same tv tuner (a TechnoTrend budget CT2-4500) - is able to detect these stations (albeit on the 114.5MHz frequency.) The same thing happens with tvheadend when I add the 114.5MHz frequency manually.

How can I fix this on tvheadend? Is there any extra debug information I can provide?

And is there anyone here using tvheadend on unitymedia in baden württemberg, who might be able to show me their settings for these frequencies?