Cannot control Silicon Dust Tuner after power failure
Added by Steve Miller over 8 years ago
I have been running Tvheadend for several years on a Pogo Plug as a backend controller for a Silicon Dust Tuner. It has worked great! The system has been very stable. Lately my local power utility has been doing substation upgrades to support new housing developments. Their work appears to glitch the power or turn it off every few days. Sometimes when that happens, I get errors controlling the Silicon Dust Tuner. The error is about
/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 permission denied. I can control the Silicon Dust Tuner from Windows, so it is working. I have rebooted everything cleanly, and the problem remained.
Last night, I attempted to delete demux0 in /dev/dvb/adapter0/. I was surprised that it allowed me, but it instantly went away. I rebooted and the demux0 was recreated and Tvheadend started working with the Silicon Dust Tuner again. The bad part was that all my previous recordings were labeled as "Time Missed". XBMC could only see the new test recording that I made.
Today, the power company glitched me again. This time it did not seem to lock up demux0 and as an added bonus, the extra reboot seems to have fixed all my previous recordings.
So, is there a better way to fix this locked up demux0? Was I just lucky this time?
--- Steve
P.S. My build is ancient, 3.2.18~g40a8920