tvheadend desktop client coding questions
Added by Eldon Tyrell over 8 years ago
i'm contemplating coding a quick and dirty "tvheadend" desktop client for my linux desktop, as all the clients i tested so far (kodi+pvr, showtime, vlc+plugin) will not meet my requirements or expectations for a true desktop tv app.
As my time and coding knowledge are somewhat limited (mostly hacks to kaffeine when it comes to dvb), i don't see myself implementing the full htsp protocol, so either i will be using your python library or i will use hacks to use the http resources available (api & http stream ticket system).
So my questions are :
1 - did i miss an available C library for your htsp protocol, i could use ?
(i'd like to avoid using python).
2 - i'll use libmpv as the player framework and although it seems to work i'd like to avoid using http streams, is there a way to access a TS stream from tvheadend without using htsp ?
that question mostly implies http stream stability with tvheadend, and possible limitations of those http streams that i don't know about.. yet.
3 - i just thought of it so it may be complete rubbish but as mpv has some dvb capabilities, is there any way i could make use of that, through sat>ip maybe ?
or direct access to a virtual dvb interface offered by tvheadend ? (much like dvbloopback + ffdecsawrapper does)
(please note i will need to use oscam dvbapi for my descrambling purposes)
thank you