


tvh (latest from git) + minisatip == service instance is bad, reason: No input detected - A n00b question

Added by Volker Schmidt over 8 years ago


Maybe a n00b type question, but I can't make any progress on this. Given are the GIT versions of minisatip (four DVB-S/S2-Tuners) + TVheadend.

TVH is connected to minisatip as SAT>IP-Client. In general this setup works OK. One glitch remains: First try on tuning to a channel ends in service instance is bad, reason: No input detected. THV falls then over to next tuner; same priority. Then tuning succeeds fine. Recordings and watching TV works then as expected.

Some logs on this:

2016-05-18 07:21:57.011 http: using ticket E0FEDDB218EF4E28A9E2B5F3177B33DA8880BDDB for /stream/channel/095b8c685f0923757c9c7217a02e6377
2016-05-18 07:21:57.012 mpegts: 11493.75H in Astra_19_2 - tuning on SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #3 (
2016-05-18 07:21:57.012 subscription: 0001: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "Das Erste HD", weight: 100, adapter: "SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #3 (", network: "Astra_19_2", mux: "11493.75H", provider: "ARD", service:"Das Erste HD", profile="pass", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.3 LibVLC/2.2.3" 
2016-05-18 07:22:07.013 subscription: 0001: service instance is bad, reason: No input detected
2016-05-18 07:22:07.013 mpegts: 11493.75H in Astra_19_2 - tuning on SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #4 (
2016-05-18 07:22:07.014 subscription: 0001: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "Das Erste HD", weight: 100, adapter: "SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #4 (", network: "Astra_19_2", mux: "11493.75H", provider: "ARD", service: "Das Erste HD", profile="pass", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.3 LibVLC/2.2.3" 
2016-05-18 07:37:17.699 subscription: 0001: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "Das Erste HD", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.3 LibVLC/2.2.3" 

Any ideas where to look / how to fix?
