lot of DVB-T broken recordings since update to 4.0.x.x trusty, help wanted for problem tracking
Added by Daisy Reiss almost 9 years ago
some weeks ago I updated my recording server from tvheadend_3.9.2407~gabea to tvheadend_4.0.8-16~gbf3a575~trusty_amd64
Since then, my wife complains about "nearly all recordings are broken" (see screenshot of Browser UI).
Thus I checked disk space (okay, > 1TB left)
Next I checked access rights (okay, files are created and > 0 bytes, and see attached screenshots of rights and profile)
Next I checked USB Power: 5.01 V, okay
Next I checked htop: Core i5 is below 10% load all times
My hardware are 3 pieces of USB Realtek RTL 2832 DVB Tuner, so I can record at least 3, at best 12 channels simultaneously.
Within the problematic times, we had 1 or 2 overlapped recordings.
Anybody any idea how to track my problem?
I would also go back to tvheadend_3.9.2407~gabea, but uncertain, if my configuration will get "downdated" well. Don't want to introduce a new problem by a broken downgrade setup. Can I just replace the binaries of tvheadend and then restart and all is fine?
In between the server got updated to Tvheadend 4.0.9-4~gac9e47d~trusty, via /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://apt.tvheadend.org/stable trusty main
deb https://dl.bintray.com/tvheadend/deb trusty stable release
but no improvement with my problems
screenshot_profile-and-access_HTS_Tvheadend 4.0.9-4~gac9e47d~trusty.PNG (29.7 KB) screenshot_profile-and-access_HTS_Tvheadend 4.0.9-4~gac9e47d~trusty.PNG | my recording profile for crime episodes | ||
screenshot_system_and_paths_HTS_Tvheadend 4.0.9-4~gac9e47d~trusty.PNG (40.4 KB) screenshot_system_and_paths_HTS_Tvheadend 4.0.9-4~gac9e47d~trusty.PNG | my OS, space and access rights | ||
screenshot_too_short_recordings_HTS_Tvheadend 4.0.9-4~gac9e47d~trusty.PNG (71.3 KB) screenshot_too_short_recordings_HTS_Tvheadend 4.0.9-4~gac9e47d~trusty.PNG | See the broken recordings |
Replies (3)
RE: lot of DVB-T broken recordings since update to 4.0.x.x trusty, help wanted for problem tracking
Added by Mark Clarkstone almost 9 years ago
I've experienced this myself using an older git master. I never did figure out what caused it though, I haven't experienced it with the latest git master.
You can sometimes get away with using an newer config with an older build but it's not guaranteed, always backup!
If you're feeling adventurous try the latest git master, make a backup of your config first though.
sudo service tvheadend stop cd /home/hts/.hts tar cpvf /home/hts/tvheadend-backup.tar tvheadend
RE: lot of DVB-T broken recordings since update to 4.0.x.x trusty, help wanted for problem tracking
Added by Daisy Reiss almost 9 years ago
thank you for the hint!
can you (or anyone of the other readers) direct me to a simple, but working 'git clone ; ./configure ; make ; make install' instruction page?
Last time I tried it (2 years ago), I stopped after I had to resolve packet conflicts in multiple of nearly 20 additional packets, which I had to apt-get to satisfy 'make'. It's not beyond my scope to compile Linux apps, but I'm always afraid to break some things on my 'productive' system when I run into package or /etc conflicts. :-(
Why compile?
may be it is not required, but recently I will only get 4.0.9-4 from 'stable', following this instructions for binary install:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
$ sudo apt-add-repository "https://dl.bintray.com/tvheadend/deb stable"
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tvheadend
Is anything wrong here, or is 4.0.4-9 the last stable? From [[https://tvheadend.org/projects/tvheadend]], I learned 4.1-1853 should be the latest on bintry. Or is that for nightly?
Thus, any more advice is highly appreciated and you'll be included in my evening prayers
Laser Man (and his dizzy cat Daisy)
RE: lot of DVB-T broken recordings since update to 4.0.x.x trusty, help wanted for problem tracking
Added by Daisy Reiss almost 9 years ago
okay, I see, the 4.1-1853 is the nightly build.
installed that ... and because of the new headline in the web UI (free/used/total) probably found the reason for my problems:
I'm using so called 'bind' mounted folders for tvheadend: The disks have logical (and physical sticky) labels 'VIDEODISK1' 'VIDEODISK2' and so on. These disk will be mounted to /media/VIDEODISKx. The disk with the lot of free space will also be mounted to /media/VIDEODISK (without digit). Next, all the /media/VIDEODISK* paths will be bind-mounted to /var/PVR*. What happened here was: the sticky labels of 2 disk housings lost the stickiness and I accidentally mixed it up. Thus the nearly full disk was mounted under /media/VIDEODISK -> /var/PVR/, which is the path where tvheadend doing all the recordings. But the nearly empty disk appeared under the folder where we never record, but delete from time to time.
So, the record destination runs out of space ... we noted that, deleted some broken movies, deleted some duplicated movies ... some days later, the problem appeared again ... and so on.
I'll have an eye on this and will revise my theory here, if it's wrong.
An instruction how to build a full featured tvheadend under *buntu 14.4 LTS (or 16.4 LTS), with all the required packages and libraries would be nice, anyway.
Laser Man (and his again dizzy cat Daisy)