


Elgato Netstream 4C - Unable to detect tuner in WebUI

Added by Adam Rustler about 9 years ago

I've just received my Elgato EyeTV Netstream 4C for my DVB-C connection. Somehow I am not able to get the tuners discovered by TVHeadend. I think according to the logs that the problem ist that TVHeadend is looking for a SatIPServer in it's M-Search but the Netstream 4C identifys itself as NetstreamCableServer.
Is there a way how to implement them??

Here are the Logs
tvh.log tvheadend starts without the TVH-ARG --satip_xml
etc-default-tvheadend are my settings
description.xml ist the Netstream 4C ssdp description
tvh-with-satip_xml.log tvheadend start with the --satip_xml setting

Replies (4)

RE: Elgato Netstream 4C - Unable to detect tuner in WebUI - Added by Adam Rustler about 9 years ago

Figured out the problem.. like I said the Elgato Netstream 4C uses a different Identification then the regular SatIPServers

Here is how to solve it:

change the satip.c in src/input/mpegts/satip

replace on line 906 ------ if (strcmp(cs, "urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1")) ---- with ---- if (strcmp(cs, "urn:elgato-com:device:NetstreamCableServer:1"))
replace on line 1106 ----- if (st NULL || strcmp(st, "urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1")) ---- with if (st NULL || strcmp(st, "urn:elgato-com:device:NetstreamCableServer:1"))
replace on line 1199 ----- ST: urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1\r\n" ---- with ---- ST: urn:elgato-com:device:NetstreamCableServer:1\r\n"

its very dirty patch but it will make the Elgato EyeTV Netstream 4C discoverable

RE: Elgato Netstream 4C - Unable to detect tuner in WebUI - Added by Adam Rustler about 9 years ago

Well now I've got the next problem. The SETUP Request from tvheadend ends in a fail from the server:

Request from Tvheadend
SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
Transport: RGP/AVP;unicast;client_port=47374-47375
CSeq: 1

Answer from Server
RTSP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable

I used a Windows-Machine to log the RTSP Traffic with the Elgato TerraTec HomeCinema Software.
Maybe someone nows how to adjust TVHeadend so it would look similiar?
Somehow I can't the SymbolRate higher then 6900 in TVH. Also I don't know what the parameter 'inv=0' stands for.

RE: Elgato Netstream 4C - Unable to detect tuner in WebUI - Added by Jan Smith over 8 years ago

Did you get any further, did you get it to work?
