


Sort recordings according to xmltv category entry.

Added by Olli Nase about 9 years ago


im looking for a way to put recordings automated into separate folders for movies or series according to the xmltv category entry.


<programme start="20160205190000 +0100" stop="20160205200000 +0100" channel="">
    <sub-title>Was sie trugen</sub-title>
    <desc>Eine Soldatin wurde bestialisch getötet. Sam und Dean vermuten, dass sie es mit einem Dämonen zu tun haben, doch ein anderer Soldat war involviert, der sich vor der Tat merkwürdig verhalten hat.</desc>
      <director>John Badham</director>
      <actor>Jared Padalecki</actor>
      <actor>Jensen Ackles</actor>
      <actor>J. Alex Brinson</actor>
      <actor>Travis Aaron Wade</actor>
      <actor>Richard de Klerk</actor>
      <actor>Michelle Morgan</actor>
      <actor>Helena Marie</actor>
      <actor>Peter Anderson</actor>
      <actor>Ian Collins</actor>
      <actor>Christopher Patrick Dwyer</actor>
      <actor>Russell Thomas</actor>
      <actor>Crystal Mudry</actor>
    <category>Mystery + Horror</category>
    <length units="hours">1</length>
    <episode-num system="onscreen">15</episode-num>
      <stereo>dolby digital</stereo>

So this show has "<category>series</category>" and should me moved to the series folder.
When recording a movie it should be moved to another folder.

I want to do this because i use a rename script which need to know if the file is a serie or movie.

Anyone has a idea?