HDHomerun Prime and tvheadend
Added by Bob Wooden about 9 years ago
I have just finished installing tvheadend on my Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) machine. Iintially I installed the hdhomerun-config and my tuners were discovered when I ran "hdhomerun_config discover".
I thought I had read that hdhomerun support was built into the current stable version of tvheadend (I installed.) Why are my tuners not available under 'Configuration >> DVB Inputs >> TV adapters'?
Replies (1)
RE: HDHomerun Prime and tvheadend
Added by Enrique Pulido about 9 years ago
I am having the same issue on a Raspberry Pi 1 model B
I am having problems getting TVHeadend to detect the tuners on my HDHomerun Prime.
The following includes the steps I am using with errors I get in paranthesis in the last section installing dvbhdhomerun.
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
1. apt-get update
2. apt-get upgrade
install dev dependencies
1. apt-get install cvs build-essential cmake
install Tvheadend
1. repo key: curl http://apt.tvheadend.org/repo.gpg.key | apt-key add
2. append /etc/apt/sources.list with deb http://apt.tvheadend.org/stable wheezy main
3. apt-get update; apt-get install tvheadend
install SiliconDust drivers
cd #
mkdir HDHomerun
Download Drivers:
1. wget http://download.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/libhdhomerun_20150826.tgz
2. wget http://download.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/hdhomerun_config_gui_20150826.tgz
Extract both libhdhomerun and hdhomerun_config_gui to the same directory, e.g.:
1. tar xvzf libhdhomerun_20150826.tgz
2. tar xvzf hdhomerun_config_gui_20150826.tgz
From the hdhomerun_config_gui directory, run:
1. cd hdhomerun_config_gui/
2. sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
3. ./configure
4. make
5. sudo make install
6. sudo ldconfig
install dvbhdhomerun:
1. cd /usr/HDHomerun/
2. sudo apt-get install cmake libhdhomerun-dev dkms dh-systemd module-assistant
3. git clone https://github.com/h0tw1r3/dvbhdhomerun
4. cd dvbhdhomerun
- Build and install the kernel module
1. cd kernel
2. make
3. sudo make install
4. sudo modprobe dvb_hdhomerun (This fails with: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'dvb_hdhomerun': Invalid argument)
5. cd ..